Thursday, August 31, 2006

49 tahun...

telah berlalu tahun itu,
telah berlalu sejarah itu,
hampir lupa kita siapa dia,
hampir lupa kita kemana dia...

masa itu umpama angin,
datang dan pergi,
tidak berbau lagi tidak berwarna,
hanya kehadirannya terasa...

darah yang tumpah tidak tertakung,
tubuh yang gugur umpama hamparan buruk,
keringat yang mengalir tidak terhenti,
nyawa taruhan, negara dipertahankan...

selama itu kita disini,
selama itu kita tidak bersendiri,
selama itu kita berdiri,
berlari dan berdikari...

ada apa pada rupa dan paras,
jika maruah negara dan bangsa tidak terdukung,
apa melayu itu 'malas',
apa melayu itu 'kudung'...

49 tahun sudah berlalu,
kita berdiri dan lagi bersendiri,
melaung perjuangan agama, negara dan bangsa melayu,
salam MERDEKA untuk ibu pertiwi...


Friday, August 18, 2006


aku seorang,
dari lahir hingga sekarang,
mencari apa yang perlu dicari,
berkaki ayam, berarang tangan...

aku seorang,
lelah tak tersuara,
sakit tak berlagu,
merintih untuk perhatian...

aku seorang,
punya apa?,
hanya sekadar peminjam,
sampai waktu, pulang...

aku seorang,
kenal tidak apa itu sayang,
hati buta cintakan dunia,
kesal tak sudah, tiada harga...

aku seorang,
lagi mendayung,
perahu usang lagi berlobang,
hanya tawakal, pengubat bisa...

aku seorang,
punya hutang,
nyawa umpama taruhan,
kalah menang, apa yang membezakan...

aku seorang,
punyai emak,
hanya emak,
dan tiada lain selain emak...

Monday, August 14, 2006

the agreement to end fighting...

Today, 14th August 2006, is the official day for Israel - Hezbollah War to be halt after Israel government "agrees" to United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities with Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon. Another reason for the world to start counting again, before another war break between Israel and the Arabs continues. Not being a pessimist, but rather be alert and aware for any possibilities. As the world push for a peace agreement between the two through its international organisation, the UN, it would be my best interest to see how far this agreement can stretch itself in order to prevent any new war between two parties (or three?) and how will the UN handle such crisis when their capability and credibility is under scrutinise.

If we would like to understand the crisis from another angle, this war is actually between a non-states actor which is Hezbollah (although Hezbollah reside in Lebanon territory, they dont represent the state) against a states actor, Israel. From here, we can understand that, Israel, due to their commitment to the UN as a member, it would be likely for them to cease fire under UN "persuasion". Here we can also see that, how desperate it is for the UN to find way to halt the war before the world turn their back against the UN.

As we go futher, another question arise, would Hezbollah do the same thing. As a non-states actors, it can be clearly understood that they have no obligation to the UN, they have no reason to obey to UN or to the world and this can be assume that they are "free" to change the situation again whenever they are ready, as long as they willing to face the consequence.

According to ABS-CBN Interactive online news, the death toll ratio between the Lebanese and the Israel soldier is 1 : 100. Although this ratio may not be accurate, it can be assume that the ratio of civilians that died during this war is true based on daily reports by newspaper all around the world. If we would like to think like a normal civilian, we might question ourself, Why the civilian? or Why this war broke up? or Where and when will it stop?. Who have the power to halt or prevent it from happening again? or Am I next?

With no prejudice or bias, I'm blessed to be far from the war but at the same time I feel guilty whenever I read the newspaper or listen to the news on tele about the war, either the Palestine-Israel War or the Lebanon-Israel War, killing all my potential Muslims brothers and sisters. I keep on asking myself, "What will happen to the Muslims in the next 10 or 20 years?". Should we change our Jihad approach or could we use another Jihad method, instead of "sacrificing" all our potential Muslims scientist, leaders, teachers or parents, why dont we try to educate ourself and others to design and work for a better Muslims spheres where dispute among the Muslims or non-Muslims is at the lowest level. It may sound Utopian, but if we really believe that everything is by Allah permission, why must we have doubt. We have Quran and Hadith, and we have many Muslims scholars with great knowledge but I must say that, partly, I agree with my dear friend Bangku when he wrote that part of the reason why we failed to maintain our unity when we unite is because "...we organize too much so-called "intellectual discourses" which are in reality are the sources of disagreement and weakness, rather than strength and unity.".

May Allah bless the decision and effort made by the Lebanon goverment, the Lebanese people and for all the people who work to maintain the peace in this world. With Allah permission, peace will reveal itself to humankind.

Friday, August 11, 2006

in my fragile state...

i guess every moment have its own reason to exist. to interpret each second will require one a substantial knowledge. moment past us by without us having the capability to stop it from fading away. we see things when we never expect it to happened. we want to know something that what we want to know but the reality is what we should know is what we try to avoid the most. well i gueass, my journey have tought me something that i never wish. my journey have brought me to a place that i never dreamed. my journey introduced me to people that i want and dont want to meet.

will this journey be safe all the way or will this journey make me travel through a winding road, i never know. the path is visible when you step on it but as you travel, the path remain as how it should be. we listen to what we listen, we see what we see. we love what we love but love is something that we never own. may time permit me to learn from others and others to benefit from me.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

we are friends, not enemies...

among many bright stars, we should consider ourself as the lucky one. the one who have the oppotunity to breath the foreign air from a foreign soil. although we might find ourself being different compare to the others back home , but some how or rather, its not. after three years of living in a foreign soil, most experienced that i've learned teach me how to be more appreciative of the county where i come from. i've learned that being a foreigner require one to be strong, physically and mentally. albeit all the difficulties learned while living abroad, i found that back home, the life is much safer in a way where everyone is looking after everyone's backs.

but as we read online news or chain-emails or blogs a.k.a independent newspapers, dont be suprise if what we read is so different from what we understand. i feel sad to discover that malaysia is now going through a difficult time and facing a lot challenge, more on domestic issue rather than international issue. as the world are getting more globally interdependence, we are still caught in the domestic net.

flipping through my unit reader the other day, i came across to a title of an article by Aaron Friedberg in the Survival (2000), "Is Europe's past Asia's future?". it struck me like a lightning, challenge me to answer the question. but as my focus is more on South East Asian bloc, i just remind myself, stick to the original plan. but yes, are we there yet?. are we heading towards the same direction or are we creating our own path.? i guees we dont have to go far to understand this question, enough just by concentrating the highlight to malaysia. i guess history never lies but as always, it depends on the storyteller intention. reflecting the issue of Article 11, correct me if im wrong, is almost similar to what the Westener especially the European has experienced back in 15th century ago. the impact of the history is the emerged of a secular goverment.

what malaysia is going through now, if not treated properly and with extra care would cost a severe damage and the effects of it will affect malaysia itself and to other muslims countries. as the transaction is about to happen, we are caught in between our belief and reality. as i try to understand the issue of Article 11, from both side, one of my concern is, what will happen to Malaysia, domestically and internationally in regards to the decision made by the decision-maker? as the pressure grows domestically, i guess now we should start thinking further. yes, it's true that for a sovereign state, we have the capacity to rule our country according to the constitution but less we forget, in a globalise world we are not immune from the international societies and NGO's threat and pressure. as we keep ourself busy with domestic issue, as part of the international community, i guess we should also prepare ourself to face the consequence due to this issue later, internationally. the pressure that we might get in the future could be worse than now.

p/s: i think, to be united is good, but the foundation and pillar of unity is the most important thing.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

antara kapal, nakhoda dan anak-anak kapal...

agak menarik apabila sebuah perbualan mampu membuat kita berfikir. bukannya setiap perbualan itu omong kosong, tapi sekiranya perbualan itu mampu membuatkan kita berfikir, alangkah menarik.

antara ketiga-tiga objek, yang mana satu memainkan peranan yang penting. nakhoda punya kepakaran didalam mengendalikan kapal. walaupun kepakaran tersebut juga dipunyai oleh anak-anak kapal, tetapi kepakaran nakhoda sukar ditandingi (walaupun boleh dipersoalkan). tetapi dalam waktu yang sama, kapal juga turut memainkan peranan yang paling penting. tanpa kapal, siapalah nakhoda dan anak-anak kapal. kapal yang baik bisa pergi jauh malah perjalanannya juga akan menjadi selesa.

persoalan yang cuba dijawab oleh aku dan teman-teman dari indo ialah bagaimana untuk mengendalikan sebuah kapal yang sudah usang dan kapal tersebut terdiri daripada anak-anak kapal yang sudah lanjut usianya malah degil dan sering membawa haluan sendiri. sebagai seorang nakhoda yang baru (dan muda), malah pengalamannya bukan datang dari pengalaman seorang anak kapal, tapi dari sebuah institusi perkapalan, oleh itu cabaran yang bakal ditempuh sudah pasti hebat. kapal yang usang menantikan masa untuk pecah (tapi mustahil) dan anak-anak kapal yang berpengalaman tapi degil pasti sukar dikendalikan. antara dua, sudah pasti lebih mudah mengendalikan kapal yang usang tetapi dalam waktu yang sama, anak-anak kapal tidak boleh diremehkan. sudah pasti, nakhoda akan berada didalam keadaan yang sukar sekiranya anak-anak kapal diremehkan, bukan kerana sukar untuk mengendalikan sebuah kapal usang bersendirian, tapi mungkin akan terdedah kepada keadaan dimana nakhoda akan dicampakkan kedalam lautan luas oleh anak-anak kapal atau pun akan difitnah keburukkannya (seksaan yang paling kejam di dalam dunia jika dibandingkan dengan hukuman bunuh).

untuk seorang nakhoda berhenti daripada mengendalikan sesebuah kapal, sudah pasti akan memberikan reputasi yang buruk. antara tiga, secara tidak langsung, objek keempat muncul tanpa disangka-sangka. objek keempat yang dimaksudkan ialah bekas nakhoda kepada kapal yang dikendalikan oleh nakhoda muda. kritikan demi kritikan malah kemampuan nakhoda muda dipersoalkan, baik dari jauh mahupun dekat. sebagai seorang nakhoda di zaman moden, urusan perkapalan bukan hanya melibatkan urusan perkapalan domestik malah urusan perkapalan antarabangsa juga perlu diambil kira.

antara domestik dan antarabangasa, urusan perkapalan melibatkan kapal yang dikendalikan. sudah pasti, dengan kapal yang usang tetapi dilengkapi dengan teknologi dan sistem pertahanan moden serta dibantu oleh anak-anak kapal yang hanya menunggu masa untuk mengambil tempat nakhoda muda, tidak akan membawa sebarang perubahan malah mengundang cabaran. dari segi pertahanan, walaupun moden, tetapi dengan sebuah kapal yang usang, masa yang diperlukan untuk menghancurkan kapal tersebut tidak memerlukan masa yang panjang malah mudah sekirnaya anak-anak kapal ditewaskan dahulu dengan janji-janji keduniaan.

antara sedar, akhirnya aku terbangun dari mimpi realiti bahawa aku adalah anak kepada anak-anak kapal yang usang itu. antara sedar aku merasakan bahawa untuk hidupnya generasi aku yang akan datang juga bergantung kepada kapal usang tersebut malah aku juga sedar antara mahu atau tidak, tanggungjawab itu perlu dipikul oleh aku. biarpun generasi anak-anak kapal sekarang degil dan sudah lanjut usianya, sudah pasti kapal itu bakal diterajui oleh anak-anak kepada anak-anak kepal yang sekarang. biarpun hak milik kapal itu bisa berubah ketangan nakhoda lain, tapi yang pasti, kapal itu sudah dipunyai oleh satu nakhoda sudah hampir selama 49 tahun. maka, subjek kelima yang memainkan peranan penting untuk kapal usang tersebut untuk bisa belayar lebih lama, ialah anak-anak kepada anak-anak kapal yang sedia ada.

iya, 49 tahun bukan satu tempoh yang panjang malah ia juga tidak pendek. mungkin yang ada akan pergi dan akan datang tak punya kekuatan, tetapi yang pasti kapal usang itu akan terus belayar. belayar sehingga ke destinasi yang ingin ditujui. salam merdeka untuk semua anak-anak malaysia, baik yang dekat mahupun yang jauh.

Friday, August 04, 2006

how far...

the OIC members were having a special meeting in Putrajaya yesterday in regards to the current situation in Lebnon. the president of OIC, malaysia current prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is carrying a big task on his shoulder in driving the OIC team to provide an alternative solution in order to either persuade Lebnon and Israel to stop the war or by any means, make an effort to halt it for a certain period of time before any further peace making move could be made by the UN. whether this meeting will provide a solution or just a mere discussion, will reflect the image of Islamic nation. could this be the starting point for all the Islamic country leaders to put themselve on a reality ground and to realise that the world is on our side at the moment. we, have been living in fantasies for such a long period and the question that arise now is; "should we answer to the wake up call or should we just press the snooze button and keep on dreaming?".

the latter action will only delay the peace process in the middle east and at the same time, without our consent and realisation, we are actually losing a lot of our potential future leaders. reminding myself, in the first para of brief history of OIC, it is clearly stated that OIC and the members has decided "to pool their resources together, combine their efforts and speak with one voice to safeguard the interest and ensure the progress and well-being of their peoples and those of other Muslims in the world over."

will the 54 state actors in OIC take the responsibility to fullfill this promise or should we just let the non-state actors grab the oppurtunity to handle this responsibility, like what we are witnessing now.

if what we see now in Lubnan doesnt really move them into making an affirmative action in providing solution or taking a firm stand, i guess we should just question them "If not now, when?". the cries, the pledge will be useless if we still cant convince ourself that we are capable of doing something, not only for Lebnon or Palestine, but for the rest of the world regardless they are Muslim or non-Muslim.

p/s:we cry, we shout, we protest...but who are we if we a not united....