Wednesday, August 31, 2005

to what extent does independence mean to you...

to all proud malaysian's out there, Happy 48th Independence matter who you are, where you are or how you look like...malaysia are proud to have you as their citizens...anyhow, sad to see some of us reluctantly agree with all the development that we have but all praise to Allah who allowed us to experince all the thing that we are having now....



p/s: i'm sad to be away from my country...but the sacrifice is to small compared to the elderly people who fought for the independent of Malaysia...lets pray for the people who died in the cause of it...Al-Fatihah.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

how do we see things through our naked eye balls...

this was given to me by my good friend...and i would like to share it with my other friends who take me as their friend...

i asked allah

i asked for strenght...
and allah gave me difficulties to make me strong.

i asked for wisdom...
and allah gave me problem to solve.

i asked for prosperity...
and allah gave me brain and brawn to work.

i asked for courage...
and allah gave me danger to overcome.

i asked for love...
and allah gave me troubled people to help.

i asked for favour...
and allah gave me opportunities.

i received nothing i wanted...
i received everything i needed!

p/s:maybe the art of "thinking out of the box" should be put in simple simple as it simple as we can...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

turning point that we never expect...

if the road is straight,
the only thing that we are afraid of is,
how far will it go.

if the road is full of corners,
the only thing that we are afraid of is,
to get stuck in one of the corner.

if the road is wet,
the only thing that we are afraid of is,
it get slippery and we crashed.

if the road is steep,
the only thing that we are afraid of is,
could we climb it.

if the road is narrow,
the only thing that we are afraid of is,
to hit the side walls.

if the road is wide,
the only thing that we are afraid of is,
we will start to speed.

and what if there is no road for us to drive on,
the only thing that we are afraid of is,
is there any option for us to go on.

p/s: after a series of bad experience, i've learnt that no matter on what road we are on, it is all about the journey...