a person...
i had chat with a friend the other day. probably after long hour of reading and struggling to finish my major essay, it caused me to asked such weird question to my friend and created a confusion. alrighty, this the question that i asked my friend and now i would like to put up here, the same question and see if anyone interested to get them self involve in such confusion:"If i want to be a person, what sort of person i want to be?" and "If you want know me as a person, what sort of person you want to know?"
Probably to some people, it is not a significant issue to be acquainted with. However to me, this is the first step that i as a person or probably all of us, need to overcome before we look up to the next thing which is, "How to be that person?". Normally (pardon me if im wrong), we set ourself to be a person in relation to what others want us to be look like or to behave. The way we talk, we dress, we eat and even the way we walk or stand. Is it wrong?, NO. Is it right?, the same answer, NO. The right or wrong can only be answered by the person itself who let other to judge or set them. We, as the audience only know how to appreciate what suit us on others capabilities to follow. We sometimes ignore the needs that the person requires. Although we realise this, we never do anything but on top of that, we keep on criticize others and expressed our disliking.
Are we responsible to any critics that we made on others? YES, we do. We as the criticizer, normaly disregard this and always behave cowardly towards our own critics. Are there any difference between critics and opinions? YES. Interestingly, this is what Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2004 provides as the meaning for critic and opinion;
crit·ic [kríttik](plural crit·ics)
1. somebody judging something: somebody who makes a judgment about or
an appraisal of something or somebody and gives comments
2. writer of reviews: somebody, especially a journalist, who writes or broadcasts opinions on the quality of things such as drama productions, art exhibitions, and literary works
3. somebody who finds fault: somebody who does not like something or somebody, or who finds fault with something or somebody
[Mid-16th century. Via Latin from Greek kritikos “discerning,” from kritēs “judge,” from krinein (see crisis).]
o·pin·ion [ə pínnyən](plural o·pin·ions)n
1. personal view: the view somebody takes about a certain issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment.
2. estimation: a view regarding the worth of somebody or something.
3. expert view: an expert assessment of something
4. body of generally held views: general assessment, judgment, or evaluation.
5. [law] conclusion of fact: a conclusion drawn from observation of the facts[14th century. Via French from the Latin stem opinion- from opinari “to suppose.”]
be a matter of opinion to be open to dispute or debatebe of the opinion that to think that something is the case
therefore, the question that we need to ask ourself now is (although this is not a sequence to the previous question but it's related to the topic), "Are we ready to behave appropriately to any critics that we give out?". If we are not ready to be responsible for any critics that we gave on others and sometimes in order not to be seen as an enemy, we paraphrased it to, "it is not a critic; it is rather just a plain and honest opinion". Mate, may i suggest to you to think critically, twice or more before you spit it out and create confusions.
there is nothing wrong to critics or to give out your opinions. we can and definitely no one can stop us from doing so. but people, think before you say. the impact of what we say on others will actually reflect our personality. well i guess, the reason why i share my thought on this particular issue is because, after going through some experience in the past and unintentionally i witnessed other peoples experience, it moves me to summed up what i think and share it.
anyway, what i think and what i belief is open for anyone to critic or to add their own opinion. it's just that, we need to know what we want to say and understand it before someone critic us back.
p/s: ramadhan al-mubarak, antara sedar sudah hampir ke penghujung...antara sedar, banyak mana amalan telah aku lakukan dan banyak mana telah aku pelajari dari pengalaman kali ini...
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