Tuesday, April 25, 2006

reason why i admire him as a leader...

i would like to share a few words with anyone who may be reading this and in particular to those who aspire to be leaders someday. as taken from bernama on april 24, 2006, Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who was commenting about his goverment's economic policy on RMK9 and i quote...
"Never mind that I may not build great monuments or glittering cities. What is important to me is that what we do today, what we change today, will enable us to succeed now and far into the future."

"...while politicians wanted to be popular, popularity must not come ahead of doing the right thing."

"I do not like bailouts. The rest you will have to work it out."

i believe that the following quote is of most importance and should be taken into account by all future leaders...
"I am prepared to lend my political capital and assert my political will to see changes in our education system that will enable us to foster this environment early on for our youth."

taken from online news article by Bernama, titled "PM Says Not His Policy To Spend And Burden Future Generations", april 24, 2006.

p/s: to be moderate is to invite somebody to contest what we believe. to some people popularity can go as far as becoming a life ambition. not that there is anything wrong with being popular, it is just that there is more than popularity when it comes to leadership.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

wahai melayu, sejarah itu untuk.....

...kita pelajari,
...kita tafsiri,
...dijadikan bahan bacaan,
...membuatkan hati yang lemah menjadi sedar,
...kita selidiki,
...kita fahami,

tapi ada ketikanya, sejarah itu membuatkan kita buta bahawa yang dihadapan tidak akan sama seperti yang lalu, malah lebih perit dan pahit untuk ditelan. dasarnya, melayu bukan muda di mata sejarah, tetapi ia dikaburkan oleh melayu itu sendiri. kaki yang diberi, tongkat yang dicari. malah, tangan yang dipimpin, tangan itu juga yang melipat tangan yang memimpin. wahai melayu, sedar atau tidak kita masih mencari. mencari baju untuk dipakai, tetapi antara sedar kita mengukur baju itu pada badan orang lain. yang baik adalah si monyet, tetapi yang jahat adalah si kancil walaupun kita adalah dari kaum kancil. mungkin sejarah tidak akan berulang, tetapi ia sengaja diulang agar kita punya alasan untuk dijadikan sebagai pendinding.

p/s: while we hate our own people, we tend to put all the good highlight on others. while i live far, my people are the one that i will look after. to hate is to deviate, to love is to ruin but for what ever reason is, loyalty is irreplaceable.

Monday, April 10, 2006

untuk bonda dan kekanda ku...

yang hilang berganti...
yang patah akan tumbuh...
yang muda akan tua...
yang tua akan mati...

yang disayang akan pergi...
yang dibenci makin mendekati...
walhal, kita masih mencari...
terus mencari...

barangkali tidak diketahui apa yang dicari...
hanya hati yang masih meratapi...
setelah hilang suatu yang dikasihi...
baru diketahui apa itu mati...

p/s: i live my life long enough to be far away from my family. the question is, if one day some one offer me a rewind button where i can rewind everything again back to the point that i want...will i have the guts to accept the offer or will i just run and keep on searching for the thing that i want...

wahai melayu, marilah...

Melayu perlu kurangkan hiburan

PEKAN 8 April - Orang Melayu diingatkan supaya mengurangkan aktiviti yang menjurus kepada hiburan yang tidak berfaedah kerana ia boleh menyebabkan mereka merempat di tanah air sendiri.

Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib berkata, pengaruh hiburan yang melalaikan itu adalah salah satu punca kemunduran orang Melayu sehingga usaha kerajaan untuk membangunkan mereka menemui kegagalan.

Menurutnya, orang Melayu tidak boleh berasa selamat selama-lamanya kerana mendapat segala kemudahan yang disediakan oleh kerajaan, sebaliknya perlu berusaha keras seperti kaum lain.

Katanya, orang Melayu mudah berasa selesa walaupun mereka sebenarnya tidak menguasai ekonomi dan bidang-bidang profesional yang lain.

``Sebaliknya orang bukan Melayu yang tidak menikmati kemudahan seperti itu sentiasa bekerja keras bagi mencapai kejayaan.

``Mereka sentiasa menanamkan `sifat' berasa tidak selamat berada di negara sendiri supaya kaum mereka sentiasa berusaha keras bagi menguasai semua bidang ilmu,'' katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian semasa berucap di majlis penerangan mengenai Cabaran dan Survival Bangsa anjuran UMNO Bahagian Pekan di Dewan Majlis Perbandaran Pekan, di sini hari ini.

Muhammad berkata, jika orang Melayu tidak memanfaatkan segala kemudahan yang disediakan oleh kerajaan bagi meningkatkan kualiti hidup, menguasai ekonomi serta bidang-bidang utama yang lain, peluang-peluang tersebut akan `dirampas' oleh orang bukan Melayu.

Katanya, pada masa ini, orang Melayu mungkin tidak begitu melihat keperluan menguasai ilmu dan ekonomi tetapi kesannya akan ditanggung oleh generasi masa depan.

``Kemakmuran negara pada tahun 2020 akan dinikmati oleh bangsa bukan Melayu walaupun mereka ini sebenarnya tidak mendapat bantuan dan manfaat secara langsung daripada kerajaan sebelum ini,'' kata Muhammad Taib.

p/s: when we look into a mirror, we want to see someone who look like us...but now, it seems like when we look into a mirror, the figure is blurry...and it is replaced by an ugly figures...which doesnt look loke us...lets do something tp make it look better...it's better late than never...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

things that make me laugh by myself...

i was browsing the net, looking for some info on blacberry's phone or what ever you want to call it...it's a funny thing but yes, i'm looking for one...just to add my gadget collection...i know it wont serve me that much, but yeah...it's better to try rather than giving out review about it without trying...plus, i'm looking for the old and ugly looking blakcberry phone and not the new up-to-date one...

anyway, here i want to share with you guys some of the reviews given by many people on the net about 'them':

"This is typewriter. Where's my 'ping' button??"

"Wat a interesting calculator!!oh,wait..its a hp,hmm..not bad..da design is gud....reminds me of da calculator dat i always use,wait..its a hp.."

"The best thing that hit the market since sliced bread."

"This phone is the bongo, of all bongo phones."

p/s:now i'm crazy about 'them'. whats next...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

who have the power, the media, the people or the government?

the rules and laws are designed by the goverment to maintain and to control the stability within the state's border. but it can be seen that nowadays, the rules and laws are so fragile to a certain level where it can be manipulated by the media for their own profit-making while at the same time, trying to convince the people that what they are doing now is for the people's benefits. will there be a shift of power in information distribution between the government and the media. while the air is still clear for us the see the star, one day it will be full with transparent paper which will blind us with untrue and unsupported information due to the war between the goverment and the media. we as the people will only, if and only if, with our own desire, one day understand and accept that the goverment has tried their best to serve the people and the media who is the one who play the devil-with-angel-looking-game are the one who we should not trust.

p/s:while we confuse ourself with all the news and informations that we receive from the traditional and untraditional news resources, instead, we should spend our extra time reading comics that have moral value inside it.