Tuesday, August 08, 2006

we are friends, not enemies...

among many bright stars, we should consider ourself as the lucky one. the one who have the oppotunity to breath the foreign air from a foreign soil. although we might find ourself being different compare to the others back home , but some how or rather, its not. after three years of living in a foreign soil, most experienced that i've learned teach me how to be more appreciative of the county where i come from. i've learned that being a foreigner require one to be strong, physically and mentally. albeit all the difficulties learned while living abroad, i found that back home, the life is much safer in a way where everyone is looking after everyone's backs.

but as we read online news or chain-emails or blogs a.k.a independent newspapers, dont be suprise if what we read is so different from what we understand. i feel sad to discover that malaysia is now going through a difficult time and facing a lot challenge, more on domestic issue rather than international issue. as the world are getting more globally interdependence, we are still caught in the domestic net.

flipping through my unit reader the other day, i came across to a title of an article by Aaron Friedberg in the Survival (2000), "Is Europe's past Asia's future?". it struck me like a lightning, challenge me to answer the question. but as my focus is more on South East Asian bloc, i just remind myself, stick to the original plan. but yes, are we there yet?. are we heading towards the same direction or are we creating our own path.? i guees we dont have to go far to understand this question, enough just by concentrating the highlight to malaysia. i guess history never lies but as always, it depends on the storyteller intention. reflecting the issue of Article 11, correct me if im wrong, is almost similar to what the Westener especially the European has experienced back in 15th century ago. the impact of the history is the emerged of a secular goverment.

what malaysia is going through now, if not treated properly and with extra care would cost a severe damage and the effects of it will affect malaysia itself and to other muslims countries. as the transaction is about to happen, we are caught in between our belief and reality. as i try to understand the issue of Article 11, from both side, one of my concern is, what will happen to Malaysia, domestically and internationally in regards to the decision made by the decision-maker? as the pressure grows domestically, i guess now we should start thinking further. yes, it's true that for a sovereign state, we have the capacity to rule our country according to the constitution but less we forget, in a globalise world we are not immune from the international societies and NGO's threat and pressure. as we keep ourself busy with domestic issue, as part of the international community, i guess we should also prepare ourself to face the consequence due to this issue later, internationally. the pressure that we might get in the future could be worse than now.

p/s: i think, to be united is good, but the foundation and pillar of unity is the most important thing.