Thursday, January 13, 2005

we should be thankful but then....

hi are you??? fine here but i'm not sure what will happen tomorrow...if the heat is still high...might catch a fever i reckon even now my hayfever is getting really bad...hobart is experiencing high temperature, it's 27 degrees...yeah, my friend in malaysia will laugh at me if i told them this...but not for hobart people...what i can tell you is, it is really hot here...anyway, lately most of us are aware with what had happen to some asian country regarding the condolence to all the victim is hard to belive that with one swiped from the sea, could kill thousand of people...

anyway, i just want to express my gratitude to everyone and all the countries who have contribute to the is undeniable that we should contribute to the victim...i do hope that all the money that being donated will be used wisely...and i do hoped that all the countries that contribute doesn't come up with hidden agenda...not to be prejudice but the past is always the best lesson we can learn from...anyway, thats all for eye's is getting itchy and heavy now...regard to all my friends, relative and family...have a good day tomorrow...ta.

p/s:hopefully that all the countries that contribute, does not expecting anything in return for their favor but still they deserve the honour for being kind...