Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"tickling the tiger"...

to tickle an angry tiger will only increases the tiger anger...to me, the action of tickling the tiger is not important but to experience the thrills of avoiding the tiger "hand swing" with the claws is at its maximum stretch from reaching my face is what i'm looking for.

to my dear friend, i wish you all the best in what ever you do and i hope everything will be fine for you in sydney. let nothing stop you from achieving your goal. thanks for everything that we had shared together during those periods. had i done wrong to you consciously or unconsciously, my sincere apologies for it and for all the good things, keep it as a gift from me that will always make you smile...

p/s:no words can describe an action...even a good story teller can only help us imagining it and make us believe that it is real...